Psychological Help
Leave no mind behind
Our aim is to address the shortage of Ukrainian mental health providers by organizing and implementing local community-based trauma support for civilians and soldiers, based on the principles of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma. We support the development of local peer-support groups, in partnership with churches and civic associations, to deliver culturally appropriate and evidence-based care. Trained mental health professionals will provide guidance and training to volunteers involved in this effort.
Our mission is to promote resilience and healing for war-affected individuals and strengthen families and communities affected by the conflict, upholding the dignity and sanctity of human life and supporting Ukraine's sovereignty and cultural identity.
For more information please send your questions to
We support Ukrainian charity "Angels" who are focused on support and psychological rehabilitation of little kids who lost their parents because of Russian aggression from 2014.
Herous of Light
We’ve partnered with John F. Sullivan’s Project “Heroes of Light” which aims to alleviate the psychological trauma suffered by all the children of Ukraine as the result of russia's full-scale invasion. You can find more info on the project's facebook page.
BarvaMy - БарваМи
Art therapy for children and teenagers
The tasks set by the project's psychologists
Create a safe, trusted online space for participants.
Psychological support for participants and parents.
Familiarization, development and consolidation of resource techniques using art therapy techniques.
Correction of the “I-concept”, namely the sense of meaning in life, confidence, and self-esteem.
More info is available on YouTube БарваМи — арт-терапевтичний проект для дітей.