Ukrainian Association of Florida


Our next events

Easter Eggs Painting / Писанкарство

🗓️ March 29 Saturday / 29 березня субота

🕒 2 - 5 pm 

⛪ 5031 Southwest 100th Avenue, Cooper City, Florida 33328, United States

St Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox church / Українська Парвославна Церква Св Миколая 

Ukrainian Easter eggs (pysanky), deeply rooted in Ukrainian culture, are not merely decorative eggs but vibrant expressions of traditions, symbolism, and artistic flair.


🗓️ Коли? 19 квітня, 16:00

📍 Де? El Rio Park, Boca Raton

🐣 Запрошуємо на ВЕЛИКОДНЄ СВЯТО ДЛЯ ДІТЕЙ В BOCA RATON, що стає вже традиційним і щоразу цікавішим💛💙

✨ Що на вас чекає?

🎨 Майстер-клас із розпису великодніх пряників – створимо власні святкові шедеври з традиційними українськими орнаментами !

🖌 Художній майстер-клас – малюємо Великдень у найяскравіших барвах!

🥚 Великодній Egg Hunt – улюблений квест у пошуках святкових яєць!

🎭 Веселі конкурси з аніматором – море радості, ігор та хорошого настрою!

Want to have more great events?

Decoding Ukrainian Culture

Our Mission:

The Ukrainian Association of Florida is dedicated to creating a strong Ukrainian-American community, sharing the rich Ukrainian culture and traditions, educating and uniting all generations.

Focus Areas:

Petition to establish the Ukrainian Cultural Center in South Florida

Interested in volunteering with us? 

UA Florida is a non-partisan organization dedicated to supporting Ukraine and promoting peace, security, and humanitarian relief. We believe that defending sovereignty, human rights, and democracy transcends political divides. Our mission unites individuals from all backgrounds and ideologies in the shared goal of assisting those affected by the war and advocating for a free and prosperous Ukraine. We welcome open dialogue, collaboration, and diverse perspectives in pursuit of these common values.UA Florida makes it a point to always invite speakers from various political backgrounds to promote the free exchange of ideas.  The opinions expressed by invited guests may or may not represent the views of UA Florida.